Matthew22v01to14_2008I think most of us have had a visit to the doctor that was less than comfortable. Most often it is our annual physical. Afterwards the doctor has some advise for us which is usually prescriptive, we need to shed a few pounds, exercise more, cut back on the red meats. Essentially, we need to take better care of ourselves.

The funny thing about the advice we receive is that we are not surprised by it. We all know what we should be doing to keep ourselves healthier, but the advice we get is never a surprise.

The same can be said for our scripture lesson from Matthew this week. In it a wedding guest is asked to leave because they are not in proper wedding clothes. It is an odd passage that we find disconcerting. As we read it we are left with an uncomfortable feeling, which might include what if I’m asked to leave next.

The clothes represent God’s grace and living within that grace. Following in the way of Christ. The individual was asked to leave because after receiving that teaching and wonderful grace they turned their back on it. A hard lesson to be sure, but one worth learning.

Text: Matthew 22: 1-14

Questions to consider for Sunday:

  • Have you ever been given good advice that you didn’t take?
  • What does it feel like to live in God’s grace?
  • What distracts you from living the way Christ asked us to?

Prayer for Sunday:

Loving God, make your word plain to us we pray. That we might understand it and how you would use us. We give thanks for the many gifts you have provided us with. May we be ever thankful for what we have and mindful of those less fortunate. In Christ’s name, Amen.

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