breadFew people in North America know what it is like to be truly hungry. Most of us know where are next meal is coming from. In fact we probably know where all of our meals are coming from for the immediate future. We are not concerned about being hungry and the effects it can have on the body. We trust that food will be present and our needs will be met.

Along comes Jesus who says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in my will never be thirsty.”

It is an odd message that Jesus leaves with us. A modern reader might see these words and think, I know I won’t go hungry the fridge and freezer are full! Even the listeners in Jesus’ day took issue with the message, though for slightly different reasons.

The question that evolves out of this statement for us today is not ‘are we hungry?’ Rather the question is ‘what are we hungry for?’

We know where our next meal will come from, but is this truly what we are hungry for or do we crave something deeper?

We desire a deeper relationship with God. We desire to know our creator on a more intimate level. We are seeking something beyond the mundane of our daily lives.

That thing we search for, that we cannot quite name, that seems elusive. It is right in front of us. It is the Living Word of God, manifest in Jesus Christ, present today in the Holy Spirit.

Martin Luther is noted for saying, “I wish I could get you to pray the way that my dog goes after meat.”

Is that how we hunger to connect with God?

Questions for Sunday

  • What are you hungry for?
  • What obstacles keep you from satisfying your hunger?
  • How might you overcome these obstacles?

Prayer for Sunday

Eternal God, I place myself before you. I seek to be satisfied, to be filled. Allow me to feast at your table, to drink of your goodness and know what it means to be filled. You are gracious and I give thanks for the opportunity to grow in your love. Amen.

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