wander-who-are-lostGracious God, what does it mean to be lost? Is it possible to live outside of your love? We search and we question, looking for signs of your presence. We often struggle to find meaning, to put words to feelings.

Enable us, loving God, to see you in a smile, to hear your voice in the laughter, to feel your touch in the presence of friends.

Remind us that we are not alone.
Remind us that we have families who love us.
Remind us that we have friends who enjoy our company.
Remind us that your Son came for us.

Encourage us when we wander. For it is in the still silent moments that we witness the miracle of your presence. When we feel lost often you are guiding us to new shores where we will witness your love from a new perspective.

Thank you for encouraging our questions. Thank you for your patience with us.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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