Our story this week is well known, after feeding the crowds Jesus send his disciples off and he ascends a hill for that time alone he has been searching for. During this time Jesus prays.

Afterwards Jesus walks out on the water to join the disciples in the boat. It’s dark and the water is rough. Peter calls out and asks if it is really Jesus, and if so to command him to walk towards him.

Jesus responds, “Come.”

Peter responds by leaping out of the boat. However, it is not long before he falters and begins to sink.

Text: Matthew 14: 22-33

Questions to Consider:

  • What does it mean to walk on water?
  • How does this story encourage us to be bold with our faith?
  • How much do we trust Jesus in our own lives?
  • What is the significance of the time that Jesus spends in prayer?

I look forward to seeing everyone at worship this week. Nursery facilities are available and there will be a time to relax, chat with old friends and make new ones after the service.

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