Freely Given

Freely Given

Freely Given Freely Given Today we consider the grace that we have freely recieved from God and consider the question of what we should do with it.  Scripture: Psalm 100 and Matthew 9:35-10:8 .When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were...

Update on Covid-19 and Worship

Update on Covid-19 and Worship As you may be aware the province of Ontario recently announced that certain areas of the province were permitted to enter Stage 2 of ‘re-opening’. Our health unit is one of the areas in this territory. Within the guidelines...
Created in the Image of God

Created in the Image of God

Created in the Image of God Created in the Image of God God works and moves in ways that I will never understand. Over the past week we have held in tension our ongoing anxiety of a global pandemic and have confronted questions and issues of race that have long been...

Bible Study – Lament & Hope

Bible Study – Lament & Hope Bible Study will start on Wednesday June 10 @ 6pm.  The theme of the study is lament and hope as found in scripture and reflected upon in our current times. We will look at the key characteristics of these two themes, explore...

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