discipleshipThe early stories in the gospels feature accounts of Jesus recruiting the disciples. The accounts are rather remarkable in how quickly the disciples decide to follow Jesus. John’s gospel relays an account of how Philip and Nathanael came to follow Jesus. Philip follows Jesus quickly, in fact there is no detail other than a command by Jesus to ‘follow me’.

However, Nathanael is more skeptical. Eventually, Nathanael is persuaded and follows Christ. We don’t hear from Nathanael again until the end of John’s gospel after Jesus has been crucified and resurrected from the dead. Nathanael knew who Jesus was and what it meant to walk with him. At the end of John’s gospel the promise made to Nathanael is fulfilled.

What will you learn and accomplish as you walk in discipleship with God?

Gracious God,
Your light is the only light I need
as I travel through life’s mystery.
Your word the only voice I hear
that still small voice that leads me
to the place where I should be.
Your presence is the only company I need
as I walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth I crave
to help me as I follow your way.
So guide me I pray. Amen.

Prayer adapted from Faith and Worship.

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