
Thank you for donating to St. Andrew’s, Cobourg. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of many people living in our community. In addition to the worshiping community, St. Andrew’s is a vital hub for many other organizations.

Your generousity allows the church to maintain a vital mission presence within Cobourg.

All online donations are handled securely through Canada Helps and a Tax Reciept will be emailed to you once your donation is complete. 


About Your Donations, Where & How They Are Used

St. Andrew’s is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Your donation is used to support the life and ministry of the congregation. In addtion to worship, pastoral care and study, St. Andrew’s supports many other non-profits and outreach ministry. The church hosts a weekly soup kitchen and Rev. Ellis is engaged in advocacy work on issues of housing, homelessness and food security.  

What is worship like at St. Andrew's?

St. Andrew’s follows a traditional style of worship. Each week we gather to pray, sing and hear God’s word as found in scripture. Our choir delights with anthems and leads the congregation in singing. 

Worship begins at 10:30am on Sunday. 

How can I get involved?

We invite you to join us for worship. This is an easy way to join our community of faith and explore opportunities to serve. 

How is the money I donate used?

Your donation allows the church to engage in vital ministry within the community. Your donations help with:

  • Community outreach and advocacy on the issue of housing, homelessness and food security.
  • Pastoral care and crisis visiting.
  • Supporting community groups such as the AA and Girl Guides with safe, accessible space to meet.

Will I receive a tax reciept?

Yes. Our online donations are handled through Canada Helps. You will receive a tax receipt from Canada Helps once your donation has been processed. 

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We always enjoy hearing from the community. If you are interested in the work that St. Andrew’s is doing, both locally and internationally, please reach out.

200 King St. West, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 2N1

Call Us: (905) 372-7411

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