
At St. Andrew’s worship is one of our central focuses. We are called to worship God, to offer praise to God and celebrate God’s goodness in our lives. Our worship is Christ centred, recognizing Jesus Christ as the revelation of God to the world.

Worship allows us to gather as a community of faith and study God’s word for us together. Scripture is explored in a manner which is relevant to our modern world. Old stories are explored in their original context and brought forward to understand how God is speaking to us through these stories today. It is through worship that as a community of faith we embark together on the mission which God is calling us towards within the community of Cobourg and globally.

Through worship we explore and gain greater understanding of our relationship with God. God’s call and purpose in our lives is explored. At St. Andrew’s worship incorporates scripture, prayer and song.

Worship services begin at 10:30 am each Sunday and are followed by a time of refreshment.

Nursery care and church school is available for children of all ages.

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