pentecost-stained-glassJesus promised the disciples that after he left them he would send another, an advocate, in his place. The Holy Spirit comes, a Spirit of truth that continues to point us towards the teachings of Christ and of God’s holy purpose for creation.

God of power and truth, we marvel at your glory and stand in awe of your majesty. We continually give you thanks for the gift of your Spirit. May the Holy Spirit enbolden us, lead us to your truth and reflect your love for all creation. May the Holy Spirit be a continual reminder of your presence with us. A reminder that we are to be united as one people, with one Holy purpose realized and grounded in your grace and mercy. We lift this prayer to you now and ask it in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Three-In-One, One-In-Three, now and forever. Amen.

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