godfatherOn the surface our Old Testament reading appears to describe the peaceful transition of power between King David and his son Solomon. Our reading opens with David’s death and then continues describing Solomon and his desire for wisdom. This reading which begins in the middle of 1 Kings 2 and ends with 1 Kings 3:14 skips a lot of interesting details.

It would be very easy to put our blinders on and focus on the lectionary as it presents itself. However, we do need to ask questions about why the lectionary jumps around and skips verses? Why don’t we read them and what do they have to say to us today?

It would be easy to focus on Solomon and his request for a discerning heart. To focus on this aspect of Christian discipleship. In doing so we would miss out on the inner workings of David and Solomon’s family, the Kingdom of Israel and what this tells us about following God.

Text: 1 Kings 2: 10-12, 1 Kings 3:3-14

Questions for Sunday

  • Why do you think that the lectionary skips certain verses?
  • What does this story tell us about David, Solomon and God?

Prayer for Sunday

Gracious God, I come before you with a discerning heart. Allow me to be led by your Spirit this week as I go about my daily routine. I pray that as I prepare to worship your holy name that I would enter into your presence with humility and reverence. In Jesus name, Amen.

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