luke-13-1-9-angus-dayScripture is full of comparisons. Whether it is the greatest law, who will inherit the earth, who is to be seen as children of God. Comparisons are made, who is in and who is out. Who is greatest and who is least.

One of the great joys of scripture is that our innate sense of fairness is turned on its head when the question of greatness is raised. It is the least, the meek, the marginalized who are celebrated by Jesus. It is these individuals who are closest to the kingdom. One of the dangers we face as Christians is comparing ourselves to ‘others’.

We do this in a wide variety of ways: our theology, our mission, our worship and our piety. Unfortunately, when we try to rank ourselves and when we seek to elevate ourselves we do an injustice to ourselves and others. During the Third Sunday in Lent we examine the question of elevating ourselves over others and the question of what determines worth and value.

Text: Luke 13: 1-9

Questions for Sunday

  • What is the danger in making comparisons of different groups of people?
  • How are you more worthy than your neighbour?
  • How do you determine your own worth?

Prayer for Sunday

Heavenly Father, I come before you on my knees. I repent of my sins and my wrong-doings. I know that before you I am but dust and ashes. Grant that I may live in the light of your love. That in your love I may understand my worth and the value of all who I meet. For we are all your beloved children. In Jesus name, Amen.

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