celtic-cross-triuneSunday is Trinity Sunday, where we celebrate the three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever.

However, the scripture we will be considering on Sunday may appear to be the least likely candidate for Trinity Sunday. We will be looking at the Old Testament book of Proverbs. Commonly considered a collection of sayings for good living. How does this passage and its wisdom inform our thinking about the Trinity?

A good question to be sure and I hope you will join us on Sunday as we explore the themes that are presented.

Text: Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31

Questions for Sunday

  • What do you feel this passage has to say about the Trinity?
  • What other parts of scripture does this passage remind you of?

Prayer for Sunday

Triune God, we praise and worship your holy name. We give you thanks for your blessing in our lives. For your might acts of creation, for your redeeming love and for your sustaining Spirit. Grant that all we might do would be a reflection of your holy will. In Jesus name, Amen.

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