Advent Prayer for Love

Advent Prayer for Love

Once again we dip into the archives of our site for an Advent Prayer of Love. This prayer was originally published on Dec 15, 2015. I hope it helps you prepare for the coming of Jesus.  Gracious God, who brought light into this world,be the love that dwells...
A Prayer of Joy

A Prayer of Joy

Once again we dip into the archives of our website and bring forward an Advent Prayer of Joy from a few years agao.  God of inescapable joy, as we approach the third Sunday of Advent we celebrate your promise of eternal life. We give thanks for the promise that calls...
Make Straight Your Paths

Make Straight Your Paths

Make Straight Your Paths During the Second Sunday of Advent the candle of Peace is lit. A time when we reflect on the coming Prince of Peace. However, our reading from Luke’s gospel which feature the introduction of John the Baptist and his call to repentance...
Advent Prayer for Peace

Advent Prayer for Peace

This Sunday we will light the candle for peace.This prayer which we have dug from the archives focuses on our desire for peace. During Advent we prepare ourselves with the coming birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and we pray for peace in...


HopeHope is the first candle which is lit during Advent. Advent a season of preparation, a season of hope. The gospel lesson from Luke seems an odd choice to partner with the theme of hope. However, as we discover there is much in the words of Jesus that we can place...
Advent Prayer for Hope

Advent Prayer for Hope

As we approach Advent we look back into the archives of our site to find a prayer on Hope. Originally written in 2014 I hope this prayer helps prepare you for the coming season. With the start of Advent the Church calendar begins anew and we await the Christ...

A Perspective Not A Place

A Perspective Not A PlaceWhat does the kingdom of God look like? Is it a city on a hill? A fortress full of gleaming towers? Is it a garden restored? We might argue that God’s kingdom is all of these things and yet none of them. Based on the reading for this...

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Blessed Are The PeacemakersThe sermon for this past Sunday we delivered on November 11, 2018, 100 years since the Armistice of the War to End All Wars. The reality is that the past 100 years have seen many more wars, conflict and violence have engulfed the globe....


Love The gospel lesson from Mark is on the greatest commandment. When asked, Jesus replies it is to love God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. If we did this, if humanity could pull this off, it would be...

Remembrance Day Service

Sunday November 11th is the 100th anniversary of Armistice. During worship at St. Andrew’s that morning we will hold a special service commemorating this event and reflecting on how as Christians we hold in tension our desire for peace while honouring those who...

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