Something Life Giving

Something Life Giving

Something Life Giving Something Life Giving What do you expect to happen when you come to church? Do you expect to encounter the divine? Do you expect your life to change? Do you expect to sing hymns and read from scripture?  Do you believe that something life giving...

In the Wilderness

In the Wilderness In the Wilderness Have you ever read a book, watched a television show or movie and wondered why it begins where it does? Wonder what the writer is trying to tell us about the story by where the story it begins? Perhaps you’ve done it yourself...

The Time Between Worship

What does it mean ‘to go to church’? You probably have a different answer to that question than I do. In fact if I polled you I do not think we would get the same response from everyone. I think there would be a great deal of similarities, but also some subtle...


The flashback is a story telling technique that takes the narrative back in time. The purpose of this is to inform the audience of an important piece of information that exists. Something crucial to understanding the story as a whole. In some movies we start with an...

Primer for Sunday: John was Arrested

This week we are looking at Mark’s gospel. In the first verse of our reading this week we have the following line, “Now after John was arrested…” It is an ominous way to begin a reading and a difficult one on which to build a ministry. We are...

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