This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. Christians from around the world will celebrate the holy mystery of communion. Together we will remember what God through Jesus Christ has done for us in the forgiving of our sins. Our relationship to one another is restored as is the relationship that we have with God our creator. We give thanks to God for these marvelous gifts. This Sunday Christians from east and west, north and south will gather and celebrate the grace of God.
Eternal God, you are the giver of life. We pray for the church universal this morning. Bless our worship, fill us with new life to live out your holy purpose for us. Give us power in our witness that all would take notice of the work we do in your holy name. Strengthen our relationship with one another, allow us to seek you and find you in old ways and in new. Repair old hurts which have separated and divided your church.
Allow us to follow in the way of Jesus Christ. That his life might inform our living and his death be the ultimate sacrifice for us. For we recognize that he is the way, the truth and the life. This week as Christians around the world celebrate the holy mystery of communion, we pray that with one voice we might also speak against the violence, oppression and injustice which we see in the world. Allow your church to be prophetic in its ministry and bold in its faith. This we ask in the saving name of Jesus Christ. Amen.