The tree’s are a riot of colour as we fully enter into and embrace the autumn season. Here in Canada we will be celebrating Thanksgiving this coming weekend. In anticipation of this time we give thanks to God for the many blessings that we enjoy in our lives.
Creator God, for daily bread
and all who work
to bring your harvest home
we give you our thanks today.Forgive our ingratitude
as we have so much
and are wasteful of what you have given.For those whose harvest is poor,
whose crops have withered,
water tainted, children starve,
help those who bring relief
and bestow on us
an unaccustomed generosity,
that all might share from your garden
and all might sing your praise.Creator God, provider of all
we bring our thanks today.
Bless us, O God,
may the beauty of this world
and the love that created it
be expressed though our lives
and be a blessing to others
now and always. Amen
As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
summer and winter, day and night,
shall not cease.” – Genesis 8:22
Prayer adapted from Faith and Worship
Used Under Creative Commons License: Attribution