It is a busy time at St. Andrew’s. The following events are happening soon and we hope you can join us for them.
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Breakfast will meet this Saturday (February 14) at the Dutch Oven. Join us at 9am for breakfast, coffee and good conversation. We may even be celebrating a birthday this Saturday.
Pancake Supper
On Tuesday February 17th St. Andrew’s will host its annual Pancake Supper. This event runs from 5-7pm. Please come and enjoy a good meal and great company. If you are interested in assisting with this event volunteers are still needed.
Annual Congregational Meeting
St. Andrew’s AGM will be held on Sunday February 22 after worship. This meeting is an important event in the life of the congregation. We will celebrate the good work we have done and plan for the year ahead. “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.. All that we do, we do for Christ.” – Colossians 3:17
Join us as we worship, plan and pray about what God is doing through us.
Chili Competition
On Sunday March 1st St. Andrew’s will host its 3rd Annual Chili Competition. Be sure to come to this event and try the various chili dishes that are served. Perhaps you have an award winning chili recipe, in which case be sure to enter your dish for a chance to take home the coveted mirror ball trophy. Awards are also given for the most creative name, spiciest, most colourful, most likely to give you nightmares and the craziest combination of ingredients! There is a cost of $5 for this event, all proceeds will be going to Evangel Hall.