What does it mean to go to church?
Ask 100 people and receive 100 answers. The responses might be similar and full of overlapping themes, but most of us have a different idea of what it means to attend church.
As we have journeyed through Lent we have reflected on our calling as Christians. We have considered what it means to be a disciple of Christ. What the true nature of the Messiah is. This Sunday we ask the question, what does it mean to be the church of Jesus?
We forget that sometimes. We forget that the church is not ours. Our sense of ownership over the physical church building often creates a barrier in our thinking and we forget that the church belongs to Jesus. It is his church and we are a part of that church.
Text: John 2: 13-22
Questions for Sunday:
- Why did Jesus overturn tables and order merchants out of the temple?
- Do you have a problem with an image of Jesus which is violent?
- What does it mean to be a member of Jesus’ church?
Prayer for Sunday:
Gracious God, allow me to draw closer to you during this season of Lent. As I journey with Jesus towards the cross allow me to reflect on how your church is at work and alive in the world. Create in me a desire to do the work of your church. In Jesus name. Amen.