On Sunday we will look at Isaiah 6: 1-8. This passage is seen as the call Isaiah received to begin his prophetic work. The passage is interesting as a call passage as it does not focus on why Isaiah should be sent.
We can break the passage down into three sections:
Section 1 deals with the description of God.
Section 2 deals with Isaiah’s recognition that he is unworthy. It is interesting to note that Isaiah, a prophet, indicates that he has unclean lips. As a prophet of God ritual cleanliness would have been important. The lips, being the part of the body where God’s message is proclaimed could be seen to have special significance.
Section 3 deals with God asking who to send, with Isaiah responding ‘Here am I; send me!’
Text: Isaiah 6: 1-8
Questions for Sunday:
- What do you find most interesting about the description that is given of God?
- Why is Isaiah’s confession important?
- What can we learn about the character of God from this passage?
Prayer for Sunday:
Holy, holy, holy God, the whole earth is full of your glory. In my laying down and in my rising up I give thanks to you for your love, grace and kindness to me. Forgive me when I doubt your calling in my life and allow me to follow your leading. Amen.