Gracious and loving God,
You have walked the path of the homeless,
Your son and his family fled their home,
Living in an foreign country as refugees,
The threat of death hung over him live a shadow.
Hold out your hand to those who flee
From danger, oppression and persecution.
In your great mercy provide them with refuge.
Enable all nations on Earth to lend a hand,
May all those who inhabit your creation
Provide to those who flee the same compassion you offered us.
Bless those who work on the front lines of this international crisis.
May their compassion be a reflection of your love.
May their work enable your Kingdom.
We pray for the day when all will know your love.
When all will know your justice and righteousness.
When all will know your peace.
Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
All glory and honour are yours,
Almighty God, now and forever. Amen.