ZA’ATARI, JORDAN – FEBRUARY 01: Children pose for a picture as Syrian refugees go about their daily business in the Za’atari refugee camp on February 1, 2013 in Za’atari, Jordan. Record numbers of refugees are fleeing the violence and bombings in Syria to cross the borders to safety in northern Jordan and overwhelming the Za’atari camp. The Jordanian government are appealing for help with the influx of refugees as they struggle to cope with the sheer numbers arriving in the country. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
It is so easy to forget.
In the midst of our busy lives,
It is so easy to forget.
We enjoy comfort and security,
Food and shelter are taken for granted.
Violence is an abstract thought for many,
The subject of movies and video games.
We confess that we put our needs before yours.
We confess that we have forgotten our neighbours.
We confess that we walked past the man on the road to Jericho.
Almighty God,
It is so easy to forget.
Remind us to live for more than ourselves.
Encourage us to give out of our abundance.
May we live selfless lives,
And may all people dwell forever in the richness of your love.
In Jesus name, Amen.