Eternal God,
You are the power behind all things,
Behind the energy of the atom,
Behind the heat of a million suns.
Eternal God,
You are the power behind all minds,
Behind the ability to think and reason,
Behind all understanding of the truth.
Eternal God,
You are the power behind the cross of Christ,
Behind the weakness, the torture and the death,
Behind unconquerable love.
Eternal Power,
We worship and adore you.
Eternal God,
Source of all power,
We confess that we don not always use the power you have given us as you intended. Sometimes we are afraid of the power we wield and so do not use it at all; at other times we are careless in our use of it and harm others; at yet other times we deliberately misuse it to achieve our own selfish ends. We confess our misuse of our God-given powers and ask for your grace to use the properly in the future. In Jesus name, Amen.
* From More Contemproary Prayers, edited by Caryl Micklem, 1970