book-revelationThe Book of Revelation is often viewed as a guide to future events. A prophecy of a dark and grim future. However, as we have begun to explore this book of the Bible we recognize that this is not the case. Last week we looked at the beginning of Revelation in a sermon entitled, He Who Is, Who Was and Who is to Come and saw that in writing his letter John was not pointing to future dire times but seeking to encourage churches living in the grip of despair as they were persecuted for their beliefs.

This Sunday we continue our look at Revelation. What we find this week is that John is interested in reminding his readers that we are called to worship God. Not just us, but all of creation is to worship God.

Join us on Sunday as we explore Revelation in greater detail.

Text: Revelation 5: 11-14

Questions for Sunday

  • What does this passage tell us about worship?
  • Revelation 5 has two ancient hymns of praise in it, how do these compare to modern hymns and praise songs?

Prayer for Sunday

Gracious God, allow my every action and all my thoughts to bring praise to you. May my life be an act of worship lived out for your sake and for the glory of your kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.

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