Because you, God, love the world,
Because in Christ you walked it,
We dare to pray.
To connect the words of ancient scripture
To the life of the world today;
To let the urgent summons of Jesus
Surpass our reticence to respond.
To awaken the minds of those in power
To the realities of those they govern;
to confront the arrogance of the privileged
With the vulnerability to the poor.
To engage the fragile state of the planet
With those who carelessly abuse it;
To let the pain of those who are hurting
Awaken the caring potential in the healthy.
To eradicate the distance and commitments,
Our potentials and our performance,
Our prayers and our politics,
Our faith and our discipleship.
Convince us, gracious God,
That matter matters
And that all is up for redemption.
And since in Jesus
You destined all to be changed and made new,
Enable us to be agents of your puprose. Amen.
- Adapted from A Wee Worship Book, Wild Good Resource Group, 2015.