Annual Meeting
A reminder to members of the congregation that the Annual Meeting will be taking place on Sunday February 25, 2018 after worship. Please remember to bring a lunch with you, coffee will be provided.
Copies of the annual report are available at the church and will be made available online shortly.
We hope that everyone is able to attend this important meeting in the life of the church. It is an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and to prepare for where God is leading us in the future.
Chili Contest
The chili contest will be held after worship on Sunday March 4, 2018. If you plan to compete for the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy, be sure to sign up. The sign up sheet is located outside of Campbell Hall. Awards are given for a variety of topics, best name, hottest, and of course best chili. Who will win this year?
A basket for donations will be made available, all funds will go towards PWS&D.