We are the Naked Ones
We are the naked ones
clothed in Your mercy.
More safe are we
with Your smile upon us
than carrying much armour.
You are our best protection
against wild words that beguile.
You are our fod, sweet to taste
and sustaining.
You are our guide
at all times.
The knee that is stiff, O Healer,
make pliant.
The heart that is hard, make warm
beneath Your wing.
The soul that is drifting far into danger,
if You grasp the helm shall not die.
Oh, do not delay in washing clean
every abrasion from all infection!
Whatever is hard, soften gently with Your grace.
Each would that is working us paing,
Best of healers, make whole again.
Help us to put our trust in You firmly.
We are the naked ones clothed in mercy.
* Andy Raine based loosely upon Carmina Gadelica, 244. Taken from Celtic Daily Prayer, Book Two: Farther Up and Farther In.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.