Arise Ministry
On Sunday December 1 we welcome Rev. Deb Stanbury, Executive Director of Arise Ministry.
ARISE Ministry empowers individuals involved in the sex trade to reclaim their lives. Through providing outreach, case management, and spiritual care, helping relationships are established, hope is fostered, and futures are reclaimed.
ARISE means Advocacy and Reclaiming Individuals involved in the Sex trade through Empowerment. We are a mission of The Presbytery of East Toronto and a grant receiving ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
We hope you will join us for worship on December 1 at 10:30am for the opportunity to learn about the important work that Arise is engaged in.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.