Congregational Update
Congregational Update
Greetings and peace to you, in the name of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!
This is a greeting I use on most Sunday mornings as we gather for worship. As we experience turbulent times due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) I believe it is important to remember who we are as a worshipping body and community of faith.
I also want to provide you with an update on the status of things at the church and how we are responding to the Covid-19 situation.
It is our hope to send out frequent updates on the status of things with an aim to keep us connected. However, we aren’t interested in inundating you or repeating information that is best received from Health and Goverment officials.
As of Sunday March 15th worship has been suspended. It is our hope that we can gather again for worship on Sunday April 5, which is Palm Sunday. However, we will take our lead from the relevant authorities who at this time have asked faith groups to refrain from holding worship.
In the meantime sermons will continue to be posted on Sunday morning on the website. This will include the audio and the transcript. Additionally, the audio will contain a Call to Worship, prayer and the scripture reading. We hope this will keep us engaged as a worshiping body.
Pastoral Care
As we are being asked to stay home and practice Social Distancing Rev. Ellis will not be doing any pastoral visits. The exception to this is if you are in hospital due to an emergency. If this is the case, please notify Rev. Ellis and so long as health officials at the hospital allow access he will visit.
If you are isolated and in need of something, a grocery run or some other essential, please reach out to the church and we can do our best to provide assistance.
Carolyn, Mary and Charlie continue to work, though some of those duties have been modified and may be being performed at home.
Soup Kitchen
Some of you may be wondering what is happening with the Soup Kitchen, which is a vital ministry of the church serving those who are in need of a weekly meal. Our plan, which has been shared with other community groups and the Health Unit is to continue offering a meal. However, that meal will be pick-up only which is in line with closing of food service businesses except for take-out and delivery.
Please keep those who are homeless or living on Social Assistance in your prayers at this time as it is these vulnerable communities that can be hit hardest as we adapt to changing conditions.
Accessing the Church
We are being asked to stay home and not go out. I would advise you to do the same and that you refrain from visiting the church. All activities have been suspended. Additionally, you may come to visit with Rev. Ellis or Mary and we may not be at the church due to changes in our schedule during this time.
In all that is going on at this time, I would urge you to pray for our government leaders, health workers and all those who continue to provide essential services during this time.
Rev. Ellis

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.