Bible Study – Lament & Hope
Bible Study will start on Wednesday June 10 @ 6pm.
The theme of the study is lament and hope as found in scripture and reflected upon in our current times. We will look at the key characteristics of these two themes, explore scripture and reflect on our own context.
The study will run for three weeks and we will keep our discussions to about an hour in length.
We will be using Zoom Communications software for the study. You can participate by using the Zoom app on your phone or computre or by dialing in through a local number. The insturctions on how to log in to the study are listed below.
Topic: Bible Study
Time: Jun 10, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Wed, until Jun 24, 2020, 3 occurrence(s)
Jun 10, 2020 06:00 PM
Jun 17, 2020 06:00 PM
Jun 24, 2020 06:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 4824 3736
Password: 924597
Meeting ID: 845 4824 3736
Password: 924597
Local number: 647 558 0588

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.