Update on Covid-19 and Worship

As you may be aware the province of Ontario recently announced that certain areas of the province were permitted to enter Stage 2 of ‘re-opening’. Our health unit is one of the areas in this territory. Within the guidelines provided by the province is the stipulation that worship services may resume, so long as occupancy is kept at under 30% of the building’s capacity. 

This information is very new and at St. Andrew’s we want to ensure that we re-open in the safest way possible. We are aware that many of our members are in the vulnerable population group of seniors and families with young children. Your safety is of utmost import as we consider how to return to the patterns of living that were familiar to us. 

At its last meeting the Session formed a cub-committee to explore the issues and steps we would need to take for when we were able to return to the sanctuary for worship. We anticipated that this permission would be granted to us at some point in the Fall, not in mid-June. If I am honest, this decision has caught me by surprise as I had not seen previous guidelines indicating that Stage 2 would include any ability to gather and worship. 

The sub-committee will be meeting in the next week to discuss and explore the following:

1. What protocols we need to put in place for worship

2. How to safely occupy the sanctuary, this may include recommendations on how many services we should offer. 

3. Use of other common spaces within the church.

4. Even though we are permitted to gather and worship, should we do so at this time?

The recommendations of the sub-committee will be brought to the Session for further discussion and ultimately a decision on the best way to proceed. 

I know that many are eager to return to worship, to see friends and lessen the anxiety we have all been feeling. However, we want to ensure that everything we do has the best interest of the health of community of faith foremost in mind. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email the office as messages are check frequently. 


Rev. Neil

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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