Sunday March 30th Church Service
Service Information - March 30th, 2025 Due to the ice storm services at St. Andrew's as well as the Annual General Meeting have been cancelled for today. The meeting will be re scheduled for Sunday April 6th following the service. St. Andrew's Presbyterian...
The Cantata is Tomorrow!
A New and Glorious Morn During worship tomorrow the choir will present the cantata A New and Glorious Morn. This special service filled with music is always a highlight during the church year. As we approach Christmas Eve we hope that you will join us. Worship begins...
Rescheduled Family Christmas Eve Service
Rescheduled Family Christmas Eve Service As we enter the New Year, I hope that you and the ones you love are well. I trust that you found ways to connect with family and friends over Christmas. Due to the severe weather and power outages we cancelled our Christmas Eve...
Christmas Eve
Worship from Home Friends of St. Andrew's, in light of the recent increase of Covid-19 cases, the Session has decided that in-person worship services for Christmas Eve (December 24) along with Sunday December 26, 2021 and January 2, 2022 will not take place. This was...
Warming Room Impact
Warming Room Impact Over the past four months St. Andrew's has partnered with Greenwood Coalition and Northumberland County to operate a Warming Room over the winter months. The Warming Room operated out of two different locations: Columbus Community Centre (nights)...
Holy Week Garden
Holy Week Garden We hope you have been enjoying the blessings of Holy Week. That as we walk with Christ towards the cross on Friday and look towards the empty tomb on Easter, that the blessings of this time are known to you and those you love. The interactive Holy...
Bible Study – Delayed
Hi everyone, coming off of a few weeks disability I am not where I would like to be in terms of preparation for the Bible study. As a result we are going to delay the start by one week. My apologies for any inconvience, but I am looking forward to gathering with you...
Bible Study Reminder
A reminder that Bible Study continues on Wednesday evening at 6pm. We are studying the themes of Lament and Hope, reflecting on them during these times. We will explore the structure of what makes a lament, looking at examples we find in the Psalms. Everyone is...
Update on Covid-19 and Worship
As you may be aware the province of Ontario recently announced that certain areas of the province were permitted to enter Stage 2 of 're-opening'. Our health unit is one of the areas in this territory. Within the guidelines provided by the province is the stipulation...
Bible Study – Lament & Hope
Bible Study will start on Wednesday June 10 @ 6pm. The theme of the study is lament and hope as found in scripture and reflected upon in our current times. We will look at the key characteristics of these two themes, explore scripture and reflect on our own context. ...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.