Christmas Tea & Bazaar
Mark your calendar. St Andrew’s is hosting its annual Christmas Tea and Bazaar on Saturday November 18, 2017 from 11am to 2pm. We hope to see you. The Tea is $8.00 for an adult and $2.00 for children 10 and under. We’re not sure how long our Christmas Tea has been a...
Dr. Cindy Blackstock Addresses General Assembly
This past June the Presbyterian Church in Canada met at Queen's University in Kingston. Assembly was privileged to hear a message from Dr. Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. As the recipient of the 2017...
Anniversary Sunday
Sunday May 7 is Anniversary Sunday at St. Andrew's. We hope you will join us as we celebrate 184 years as a community of faith in Cobourg. What does 184 years of service look like? It means making a difference in the community Feeding those who are hungry Providing...
Holy Week Services
We hope you will join us this week for our Holy Week Services. Maundy Thursday Join us on Thursday April 13 at 7pm for Maundy Thursday. The service is a contemplative time with a short meditation and communion. A time of preparation for Good Friday. Good Friday St....
2016 Annual Report
The 2016 Annual Report is ready and will be distributed at church on Sunday February 19. A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday February 26, 2017 in Campbell Hall after the worship service. Please bring a lunch, coffee, tea and water will be...
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Join us for worship this Christmas Eve, as we prepare to welcome Jesus Christ. This year we will once again be offering two worship services on Christmas Eve. Family Service - 4:30 The Family Service on Christmas Eve at St. Andrew's is geared towards children....
Lessons & Carols
This Sunday St. Andrew's will hold a Lessons & Carols service during worship. This is a time to enjoy favourite Christmas carols and will be followed by a Christmas reception hosted by the Women's Association. However, a Lessons & Carols service is about...
One Silent Night
This Sunday, December 11, the choir of St. Andrew's will present One Silent Night a musical rendition of the Christmas Story. We invite you to join us for this special service. There will be well known hymns for the congregation to sing and afterwards a time of...
Christmas Tea & Bazaar
Please join us on Saturday November 19 for the Christmas Tea & Bazaar. This annual event is a highlight of the year for many within the community. You will find many hidden treasures and wonderful baked treats to enjoy. The tea room is a joyful time to sit,...
Horizons of Friendship at Work in Guatemala
Horizons of Friends is a Canadian International Development Organization. Founded in 1973 it seeks to Help People Help Themselves. On Wednesday June 22 they will host a presentation by Dr. Paul Caldwell. Dr. Caldwell will share his first hand experience of a trip to...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.