Rev. Ellis has been Profiled by the Local Papers
Over the past two weeks Rev. Ellis has been interviewed by both the Northumberland Today and the Northumberland News. Both articles feature a different side of Rev. Ellis and the journey that brought him to St. Andrew's. You can find the link to both articles below....
January News
The New Year has begun and regular activities are staring up at St. Andrew's. Here are some upcoming events for January and beyond. Soup Kitchen every Thursday at 10am Young at Heart every Friday at 10:00am Men's Breakfast at The Dutch Oven - Saturday Jan 11 @ 9am...
Christmas Caroling at St. Andrew’s
St. Andrew's is going caroling! On Friday night (December 19) @6:30 we will meet at the McDougall's and carol through the neighbourhood bringing the message of Christmas. Contact the church office if you need directions to the McDougall's home. Then on Sunday morning...
December News
The season of Advent has begun. We prepare for Christmas and the birth of Christ. During the month of December there are a variety of activities taking place within the life of the Church December 6 - Men's Breakfast @ The Dutch Oven 9am December 6 - Christmas...
St. Andrew’s Winter Newsletter
The St. Andrew's Winter Newsletter has been published. If you are unable to pick up your copy your elder will deliver it to you. Alternatively you can download a copy of the Newsletter by clicking on the following link: St. Andrew's Winter 2014 Newsletter Thank you to...
Christmas Tea & Bazaar
A reminder that this Saturday at St. Andrew's we will be having our Christmas Tea & Bazaar. All are welcome to attend this event in the life of the church. Doors open at 11:30 and the Bazaar runs until 2. Admission to the Tea room is: $6 for adults, and $2 for...
Christmas Tea and Bazaar
It is that time of year again. Preparations are well underway for St. Andrew's Christmas Tea and Bazaar. This event is always a highlight in the life of the congregation. This year the Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be held on: Saturday November 15th, 2014 from 11:30...
October News
What a blessing it is to be surrounded by a loving and caring community of faith. October is well underway and St. Andrew's is a busy place. Over 100 people took communion on World Communion Sunday. Celebrating communion is one of our deepest mysteries, a time when we...
Upcoming Events in September
It is hard to believe that September is here already. Children have finished their first week of school and the very first leaves have begun to change colour. The upcoming week represents the renewal of many activities at St. Andrew's. If you would like more...
Step Into Fall
September is almost here. As we get ready to send children back to school and await the changing of the seasons, we also anticipate and look forward to the many activities that occur at St. Andrew's. The Step Into Fall newsletter is ready for your reading pleasure....

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.