Holy Week Garden

Holy Week Garden We hope you have been enjoying the blessings of Holy Week. That as we walk with Christ towards the cross on Friday and look towards the empty tomb on Easter, that the blessings of this time are known to you and those you love. The interactive Holy...

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Who Made the Right Choice?

Who Made the Right Choice?

Who Made the Right Choice? We have journeyed through Lent and have arrived in Jerusalem with Jesus. Traditionally on Palm Sunday we read one of the passages that we refer to as the Triumphal Entry, where we find Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The...

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We Would Like to See Jesus

We Would Like to See Jesus

We Would Like to See Jesus The journey to the cross is almost complete. The passage from John's gospel today is the last public appearance of Jesus before the cruicifixion. A group of Greek's are in Jerusalem for the Passover Festival, having heard of Jesus they...

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God’s Love

God’s Love

God's Love God's love is a truely extraordinary thing! It's true expression to creation is difficult to accurately difuse with words. In our passage from John this morning Jesus talks about why he came and what it means. He makes a curious reference to a passage from...

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Reflecting on Rest

Reflecting on Rest

Reflecting on Rest Our passage today doesn't feature Jesus at rest. In fact, it display's the opposite. Jesus is rather busy during his visit to the temple in Jerusalem. In some respects we don't even recognize Jesus, as his behaviour is very aggressive when he sees...

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Something Worth Dying To

Something Worth Dying To

Something Worth Dying To What does it mean to follow Jesus? What does it mean to die, only to be born again? These two questions seem simple on the surface, but they have confounded Christians throughout the years. In scripture Nicodemus has a difficult time...

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Lent Begins in the Wilderness

Lent Begins in the Wilderness

Lent Begins in the Wilderness Welcome to the first Sunday of Lent. Today's service features a communion service. Before you begin the video you may want to prepare a slice of bread or bun along with some juice. Lent is the time before Easter. It is a period of deep...

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Six Days Later

Six Days Later

Six Days Later Transfiguration Sunday marks the beginning of Lent. It indicates that we will now travel with Jesus to Jerusalem for the events of Holy Week. Our passage from Mark which describes the transfiguration event is found halfway through the gospel, it neatly...

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The Hours of the Day

The Hours of the Day

The Hours in the Day An important question that our passage today considers is how do we care for other people and ourselves? In his gospel account, Mark doesn't identify these two issues with these words, but they are embedded within the text. It is important to...

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Something Life Giving

Something Life Giving

Something Life Giving What do you expect to happen when you come to church? Do you expect to encounter the divine? Do you expect your life to change? Do you expect to sing hymns and read from scripture?  Do you believe that something life giving will occur? Scripture:...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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