Bible Study – Lament & Hope
Bible Study will start on Wednesday June 10 @ 6pm. The theme of the study is lament and hope as found in scripture and reflected upon in our current times. We will look at the key characteristics of these two themes, explore scripture and reflect on our own context. ...
Rebuilding Community in Partnership with the Holy Spirit
Rebuilding Community in Partnership with the Holy Spirit It is Pentecost Sunday, a day when the church celebrates, the renewsing, sustaining and transformative power of the Holy Spirit, the third figure of the Trinity. We don't talk about the Holy Spirit much and when...
Can I Get a Witness?
Can I Get a Witness? It is Ascension Sunday. The day we celebrate when Jesus left the diciples and ascended to sit at the right hand of God. Though it is only afforded a few verses in Luke's gospel, the ascension provides a powerful image. We celebrate the ascension...
We Are Not Alone
We Are Not Alone We are coming to the end of the Easter season and Jesus is preparing us, as he did with the disciples, for what comes next. In our passage from John, Jesus speaks of the Advocate who will come and be with us. We know the Advocate as the Holy Spirit,...
Between Vulnerability and Trust
Between Vulnerability and Trust Our passage this morning is familiar and comforting. Jesus asks that our hearts not be troubled. He reminds us that he is the way, the truth and the life. All comforting statements for us to hear in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic....
Life Abundant
Life Abundant It is Anniversay Sunday! As we celebrate this milestone in our congregation we consider two well known passages of scripture, both of which deal with the comforting pastoral image of the Good Shepherd. Scripture: Psalm 23 and John 10: 1-10ASome years...
Going for a Walk
Going for a Walk The events from our gospel passage take place on Easter Day. For us they are several weeks removed. However, the events of Good Friday and the empty tomb loom large. Two disciples decide to leave Jerusalem and head for Emmaus. On the Road to Emmaus...
Demanding God Show Up
Demanding God Show Up Throughout history the disciple Thomas has been given a bad rap. We call him Doubting Thomas because he refuses to believe that Jesus has risen unless he can physically see it. As I reflect on our passage from John and the role Thomas plays I...
At Dawn
At Dawn Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! This is the ancient greeting we use on Easter morning to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This Easter is unlike others in recent years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We wonder how we should celebrate Easter during this...
Believe and Believe Again
Believe and Believe Again On Good Friday we are confronted by the death of Jesus. Acts of betrayal, denial corruption fill the narrative. In his gospel account John provides a rich tapestry for us, full of vivid images. As deal with the isolation forced upon us due to...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.