Right Relationships

Right Relationships On this first Sunday of Lent the Lectionary texts have us looking at themes of sin, temptation and forgiveness. The Psalmist reminds us of how good it feels to confess and how much God enjoys forgiving. Meanwhile the Gospel text deals with the...

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Lightning in a Bottle

Lightning in a Bottle

Lightning in a Bottle Transfiguration Sunday marks the change in season. From Epiphany, a season of light and discovery to Lent, a darker season and one of reflection. The passage on the Transfiguration comes near the middle of the gospel account and afterwards we...

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You Have Heard it Said

You Have Heard it Said

You Have Heard it Said What do we do when we think we understand what is going on. We believe we know what it means to follow Jesus and are willing to do so, but we come across a passage that challenges our assumptions and beliefs? The passage from the Sermon on the...

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2019 Annual Meeting

Sunday February 23, 2020 is the Annual Congregational Meeting. We hope that you will be able to join us after worship for this important event. The Annual Meeting is a time to reflect on the successes and challenges of the year behind up and to dream and vision about...

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Be Salty

Be Salty What does it mean to be salt and light in the world? As followers of Christ are we afraid to mix it up with the world? Do we fear allowing our light to shine? As Jesus speaks to the disciples and the crowd on the hill he makes it clear that we are to be salt...

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Dwell in Possibility

Dwell in Possibility

Dwell in Possibility The Sermon on the Mount or the Beatitudes are a wonderfully challenging sermon given to us by Jesus. This passage should challenge us to dwell in the possibility of what we can do as workers in the kingdom of heaven.  Scripture: Micah 6: 1-8 &...

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Light into the Darkness

Light into the Darkness

Light into the Darkness What does it mean to bring light into the darkness? Jesus is often referred to as the light. As followers of Jesus we are asked to be Salt & Light, but how do we do that? Perhaps another question is why should we do that? Scripture: Isaiah...

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Lamb of God

Lamb of God  Jesus is described in John's gospel as the Lamb of God. It's his cousin John who makes the observation. What does it mean to us in the midst of our busy modern lives that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?  Scripture: John 1:...

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When Things Don’t Go as Planned

When Things Don’t Go as Planned

When Things Don't Go as Planned The first Sunday in Epiphany finds us at the Jordan River with John and Jesus. Jesus has come to be baptized, a momentous occassion. However, that doesn't mean that everything goes as planned.  Scripture: Matthew 3: 13-17When things...

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Christmas Eve 2019

Christmas Eve - 2019 Scripture: Isaiah 9: 2-7 and Luke 2: 1-20It’s appropriate that we are here tonight. It’s appropriate for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is celebrating the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ. It is appropriate that we gather in the...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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