Everything’s Fine?
Everything's Fine? On Christ the King Sunday Matthew's gospel summarizes the mission of Christ we are called to live out. Scripture: Matthew 25: 31-46This morning is Christ the King Sunday. A day in the church year when we mark the kingship of Jesus Christ. It is...
Faithfulness While Waiting
Faithfulness While Waiting Scripture: Matthew 25: 14-30What does faithfulness look like in a period of waiting? I’ll confess that while I was faithfully waiting for a clear direction on where to go with the sermon, I noticed that my computer had a new icon...
We Have Enough, We Are Enough
We Have Enough, We Are Enough The question that runs through my mind as I continue to reflect on this passage surrounds those 5 so called foolish bridesmaids. What if they trusted in what they had, what if they had enough oil and didn't go wandering off? Scripture:...
Remembrance Sunday 2023
Remembrance Sunday 2023 This past Sunday St. Andrew's marked Remembrance Day. As is our tradition, the Sunday before November 11th is Remembrance Sunday. A special thank you to all who participated in the service: Janet Leadbeater, Peter Sandziuk, Harry Knapper,...
Love God, Love People
Love God, Love People Scripture: Matthew 22: 34-46Have you ever seen an image or a picture that if you stare at long enough you begin to see another shape? Perhaps there are faces embedded within the drawing or a series of circles. Others have you look at them and...
To Give Back
To Give Back Scripture: Matthew 22: 15-22In the famous words of Admiral Akbar, “It’s a trap!” The question we might ask is a trap for who? Welcome to our passage from Matthew this morning. As sure a trap as I’ve ever seen. It isn’t Jesus who is trying to trap us,...
Garments of Grace
Garments of Grace Scripture: Matthew 22: 1-14I know why this parable gives me a hard time and I wonder if perhaps you have same difficulty. It’s that individual who actually comes to the wedding, but doesn’t have the proper clothes. The one who gets bound hand and...
Authority Scripture: Matthew 21: 23-32There is an old Jewish witticism in which someone asks his rabbi, “Why do rabbis always answer a question with another question?” to which the rabbi replied, “Why shouldn’t a rabbi answer a question with another question?” Or...
Share the Blanket
Share the Blanket Scripture: Jonah 3:10 - 4:11 and Matthew 20: 1-16If you read the gospels, you will discover that people ask Jesus a lot of questions. If you read a little deeper and do a little bit of math you will discover that of all the questions Jesus is asked,...
Forgiveness Scripture: Genesis 50: 15-21 and Matthew 18: 21-35Is there a harder commandment in all of scripture? Chelsey Harmon tells a story or paints a picture about forgiveness. She writes, “One of the complaints that student loan borrowers made about the lack of...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.