Website Update
Over the next few weeks the congregational website will be receiving an update. Some of the visuals will be changing and we hope to increase the use of navigation to the site. We hope that this change will make our website more accessible for those who worship...
Communion on Sunday
This Sunday we continue our discovery of the Lord's Prayer. One of the petitions we will be examining is 'Give us our daily bread.' It is appropriate that we then celebrate the Living Bread and will be celebrating communion during the service. I hope you will be...
Prayer of Blessing
Evening comes when You call, and all nature listen to You because You hold it all. And now You hold me. Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe! At Your word night falls. In Your wisdom You open heaven's gates. You set the stars in the vault of heaven....
Lord’s Prayer – Part 1
Over the next four weeks we will take a deeper look at the Lord's Prayer at its various petitions. What do they mean? How do they shape our prayer life? How do they impact our relationship with God? What does it mean for our life as a Christian? I would like to thank...
August Sermon Series
This Sunday we will begin a four part sermon series on the Lord's Prayer. I hope these sermons will shed some light on a prayer that we pray every Sunday. What do the words of this prayer mean in light of our worship and our own lives? We will delve into the themes of...
Inspired by Love and Anger
Inspired by love and anger, disturbed by need and pain, informed of God's own bias, we ask him once again: 'How long must some folk suffer? How long can few folk mind? How long dare vain self-interest turn prayer and pity blind?' From those forever victims of...
Storms a Comin
In life there are storms. Those uncertain times and events which can shake us to our core. The lesson from Mark's gospel concerns itself with a storm the disciples faced while Jesus slept at the back of the boat. What can we today take from this story and where might...
Summer Time News
As summer approaches patterns begin to shift. The kids will soon be finished school for the summer. For many the cottage or a family vacation beckons. At St. Andrew's, Rev. Ellis will be on vacation for the month of July and an additional week in late August....
The Earth Produces of Itself
Text: Mark 4: 26-34 You have probably heard the story of Jack. He lived with his mother on a run down farm. Things weren’t going so well and to make matters worse their cow had stopped giving milk. Jack was told to go and trade the cow in for something new. Something...
Out of your Mind
What makes the Christian stand out from any other individual? We don't look different than others. We have family, jobs, concerns just as others do. In our passage from Mark one of the attributes which stands out is being slightly out of our minds. Text: ...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.