Sunday June 10
Sunday June 10 will be a special time at St. Andrew's. During worship we are fortunate to have Safe Harbour join us. Safe Harbour is the adult mentoring choir for the SONG program. During worship we will be welcoming new elders into the Session. This is always a...
Truth & Reconciliation
The Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada is an important step in coming to terms with the painful past of how the First Nations people of Canada have been treated. It is a process that the Presbyterian Church in Canada has been involved with for over twenty...
Trinity Sunday
Trinity Sunday is a time in the church year when we consider all three aspects of God: Creator, Son and Spirit. The Doctrine of the Trinity can often be difficult to wrap our heads around and there have been many debates about the doctrine over the life of the...
Pushback Documentary Screening
Join us on Sunday, June 10TH @ 7pm for an intimate screening of Pushback, a feature-length documentary film about poverty and homelessness in Peterborough, Ontario. Enjoy refreshments and a Q & A with director and cinematographer Matthew Hayes following the film....
United in the Spirit
Pentecost is when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. The focus is often on the powerful appearance that the Holy Spirit makes. Tongues of fire stretching out and touching all those who were gathered in Jerusalem that day. To be sure, something...
The Fork in the Road
The Ascension of Jesus is recorded in Luke's gospel and the Book of Acts. Both descriptions are very similar, which is not surprising as they were written by the same author. What is different about them is what the two versions of the Ascension of Jesus...
You are Precious in God’s Sight!
This sermon was preached at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg, Ontario by Rev. Barry Van Dusen on the occasion of our 185th Anniversary Service, Sunday, May 6th, 2018. We give thanks to Barry for coming and sharing with us on this special occasion. ...
Thank You
A special thanks to all the people who helped make our 185th Anniversary a special occasion. Saturday evening was a wonderful time enjoying a meal and one another's company. Thank you to everyone who contributed food to the pot luck and for the many hands which...
185th Anniversary
Anniversary weekend is almost here! We give thanks to God for 185 years worship God and being of service to the community of Cobourg. We hope that you be able to join us for dinner on Saturday evening. Dinner is a pot luck meal. After dinner there will be stories...
Right Place, Right Time
Our apologies for the late posting of Sunday's sermon. We have had some difficulty with the church website. At the present time we have a new domain name of Please note the change from .org. I hope this sermon finds you are the Right Place...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.