
The Grimm Brothers tale of Hansel & Gretel is an age old story of temptation. Hansel and Gretel are lured by candy into the witches house. It is a cautionary tale to avoid temptation and to be wary of strangers. How does temptation play out in our own lives today?...

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Preparing for Sunday: Tempted

Preparing for Sunday: Tempted

Have you ever faced temptation? Did you give in? For most people I imagine the answer to this questions is yes. Temptation is a large part of what it means to be human. We face temptation every day in a wide variety of formats. In some instances temptation is rather...

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I Offer Myself

Lord, I offer my needs to you all that affects my health. I offer my wants to you all the range of my reaching. I offer my thoughts to you all the duties that define my life. I offer my loves to you all the people for whom I care. Help me to understand what I need for...

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The Mountain Top

The church year continues and we find ourselves on the doorsteps of Lent. Soon we will journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. However, before we can arrive in Jerusalem first we must travel with Jesus to the Mountain Top. Jesus...

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Preparing for Sunday: Changed

We are still early enough in the year where the subject of resolutions comes up. At the New Year we resolve to make changes in our lives. Many of these changes revolve around our health. We decide to eat better and exercise more. It is probably safe to say that while...

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Pancake Supper

You might wonder where Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday came from. Why did we decide to eat pancakes on the Tuesday before Lent? In order to understand Shrove Tuesday we need to first recognize the importance of Lent. Lent, the forty days leading up Good Friday and...

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Prayer of Adoration

Loving God, at the dawn of creation it was your Spirit which hovered over the waters. Your voice echoed through the darkness and brought forth light. A light which shines in the darkness and which will not go out. You set the stars in their place, your hands shaped...

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Prayer for Peace

Prayer for Peace

Eternal God, save us from the violence we do to ourselves and others. Remind us that it is the meek who inherit the earth, that it is the peacemakers who shall be called children of God. It is sometimes easier to look inwards rather than outwards. We acknowledge our...

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In life we all receive invitations. These invitations take on many forms. In some instances we are invited to social gatherings and in others we invite people and events into our lives. Just as we are able to receive invitations we are also able to invite others into...

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Preparing for Sunday: The Banquet

I imagine that most of us have attended a wedding or some other social gathering. Events such as these are always enjoyable times. However, I wonder where you were seated during the event? Did you sit near the front or the back? Why? Of course, the answer to this...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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