Prayer of Adoration
Eternal God, I come before you with words of praise, I seek to worship you and draw closer to you. You are worthy of praise. You created the heavens and the earth And all that are contained within. Thank you for your mighty acts in creation. I give you thanks for your...
Be Where Jesus Is
During our journey through Lent we have asked a variety of questions concerning who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. In our reading this morning from John's Gospel we are once again faced with the question of what it means to serve Jesus. We are standing in...
Preparing for Sunday: Serving Christ
As we draw closer to the events of Easter we are confronted with questions surrounding the death and life of Jesus. As we reflect on death and life in relation to Jesus, we should also consider how we are also drawn into the conversation. In John's gospel lesson for...
Upcoming Events in March & April
It is a busy time at St. Andrew's. Be sure to keep up with all the events and activities. March 21 - Irish Dinner starts at 5:30 March 26 - Photo Directory Picture Sessions April 2 - Maundy Thursday Service begins at 7pm April 3 - Good Friday Service begins at 10:30am...
Praying for Dreams and Visions
Today, March 17, is St. Patrick's day. While the meaning of St. Patrick's day has been lost and replaced by a desire to consume alcohol, a quick look at the life of St. Patrick indicates this was not always the case. St. Patrick is noted for bringing Christianity to...
For God So Loved
John 3:16 is a well known and loved piece of scripture. It speaks of God's great love for creation and humanity. However, when this passage is situated within its larger context we see that it evokes a depth and breadth of meaning that is not initially apparent. Below...
Preparing for Sunday: For God So Loved
John 3:16 is one of the most famous passages in the Bible. Along with Psalm 23 it is etched in our minds and speaks to the goodness that we know in God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may...
Prayer for Lent
Gracious God, We look to you, We look to Jesus, We look to the Holy Spirit. In you we find purpose. In you we find life. In you we find understanding. In Jesus we find meaning. In Jesus we find healing. In Jesus we find rest. In the Holy Spirit we are sustained. In...
Flipping Tables
If I showed up this morning and starting flipping tables and accusing you of being heretics or hypocrites I don’t think you would enjoy it very much. In fact I’m fairly certain that I would wear my welcome out very quickly. To say that you would not appreciate such...
Preparing for Sunday: The Temple
What does it mean to go to church? Ask 100 people and receive 100 answers. The responses might be similar and full of overlapping themes, but most of us have a different idea of what it means to attend church. As we have journeyed through Lent we have reflected on our...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.