St. Andrew’s Winter Newsletter
The St. Andrew's Winter Newsletter has been published. If you are unable to pick up your copy your elder will deliver it to you. Alternatively you can download a copy of the Newsletter by clicking on the following link: St. Andrew's Winter 2014 Newsletter Thank you to...
I have never liked the parable of the talents. The handling of the third servant has never rested well with me. Tossing that servant into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and the gnashing of teeth. I have never liked it. I have questioned my whole life is...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Talents
A local church was hosting Stewardship Awareness Sunday. The goal was to raise awareness about the variety of activities the congregation was engaged in. As part of the initiative everyone in the congregation was being offered $20 seed money. The hope was that people...
Christmas Tea & Bazaar
A reminder that this Saturday at St. Andrew's we will be having our Christmas Tea & Bazaar. All are welcome to attend this event in the life of the church. Doors open at 11:30 and the Bazaar runs until 2. Admission to the Tea room is: $6 for adults, and $2 for...
Prayer of Remembrance
Today is Remembrance Day. Today is a day when we remember those who have fought in past wars. Fighting for the cause of freedom, liberty and ultimately for peace. Regrettably, conflict and war are still a part of our everyday life. Though the battles are fought in far...
Give me Oil
Weddings are interesting occasions, full of expectation and promise. A clash of family and friends, normally a joyous occasion. I have been privileged to witness many, many wedding banquets. My father owned a catering company and I began working for him when I nine. I...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Be Prepared
At St. Andrew's we host the Cobourg area Girl Guides. The Girl Guides along with the Scouting movement share a motto. This motto is composed of two words, yet it carries with it a heavy burden: Be Prepared. That is the motto of these movements which have assisted...
Christmas Tea and Bazaar
It is that time of year again. Preparations are well underway for St. Andrew's Christmas Tea and Bazaar. This event is always a highlight in the life of the congregation. This year the Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be held on: Saturday November 15th, 2014 from 11:30...
Prayer for Humility
This past Sunday we talked a little bit about pride and walking humbly with God. With this in mind I think it is important to continue to remember to walk humbly with God. To consider ourselves as children of God and how God is using us. As God said to Job when he...
Walk Humbly
I’d like to start our time together this morning talking to you about pride. In doing so I would like to share with you some thoughts on pride from people far wiser than me. “Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” ? Ann...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.