Second Chances
Have you ever been to camp? Perhaps with the Scouts or Girl Guides, perhaps a Christian Camp. There is a game that is often played at the campfire. It is a silly game and it is done in the form of a responsive song. Perhaps you’ve hear of it, it goes like this: There...
A Conspiracy
Our Lenten journey continues as Jesus in confronted by a group of Pharisees. Luke's gospel provides a reminder of the danger that Jesus faced and of the wonderful promise we find in the resurrection. A Conspiracy Text: Luke 13: 31-35 I enjoy reading the...
The Grimm Brothers tale of Hansel & Gretel is an age old story of temptation. Hansel and Gretel are lured by candy into the witches house. It is a cautionary tale to avoid temptation and to be wary of strangers. How does temptation play out in our own lives today?...
The Mountain Top
The church year continues and we find ourselves on the doorsteps of Lent. Soon we will journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. However, before we can arrive in Jerusalem first we must travel with Jesus to the Mountain Top. Jesus...
In life we all receive invitations. These invitations take on many forms. In some instances we are invited to social gatherings and in others we invite people and events into our lives. Just as we are able to receive invitations we are also able to invite others into...
Two Sermons on the Magi
The visit of the Wise Men or Magi to Jesus is marked by the celebration of Epiphany. It is a season of light, of realization and expectation. While the story of the Wise Men is often one of grandeur and wonder there is another story found embedded within Matthew's...
Christmas Eve
This sermon is from the evening service. The text for the sermon is John 1: 1-14. Christmas Eve, 2015 - Evening Service The opening of John’s gospel which we heard read tonight is one of my favourite passages in scripture. On one hand I enjoy the poetic...
What is it all About?
The third Sunday of Advent is when we light the candle of Joy. Our gospel reading this week continues to deal with the ministry of John the Baptist. We receive a harsh message from John followed by some instructions that we might find peculiar. Text: Luke 3: 7-18 What...
Future Hope
As we enter Advent and a new church year we look forward to Christmas. For many December is the time that they countdown to Christmas. However, receiving the Christ child requires that we prepare ourselves for that gift. Advent then is a time of preparation. At time...
What is Truth?
In our reading from John's gospel we have a glimpse at the conversation between Jesus in Pilate. Jesus tells Pilate that "Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." Pilate responds to Jesus with the question "What is truth?" It is a potent question and...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.