The Lord is my Shepherd

One of the most beloved and well known Psalms is Psalm 23. The opening lines which state ‘The Lord is my Shepherd…’ have provided comfort to people of faith for untold generations. It is a very real possibility that these words brought comfort to our...


What does it mean to be a witness as a Christian? To what do we provide a witness to and who are we providing that witness for? Witness – Audio Sermon Play...

Preparing for Sunday: Witnesses

What does it mean to be at witness? A witness is reliable, truthful in the telling of information. A common understanding might be for a witness to be passive. To only provide information when asked. The legal sense of being a witness is perhaps most often thought of....

Spring Prayer

Over the past week it has finally begun to feel like Spring. Our prayer today takes the form of a poem. It comes from Robert Frost’s collection A Boy’s Will, published in 1915. I encourage you to read it as a prayer. A Prayer for Spring OH, give us...

My Lord and My God

Our Gospel lesson from John this week is a well known story. The first appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection. It is a story which has become synonymous with ‘Doubting Thomas’. However, to focus on Thomas is to pick an easy target and...

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