by Neil Ellis | Feb 14, 2021 | Sermons
Six Days Later Six Days Later Transfiguration Sunday marks the beginning of Lent. It indicates that we will now travel with Jesus to Jerusalem for the events of Holy Week. Our passage from Mark which describes the transfiguration event is found halfway through the...
by Neil Ellis | Feb 7, 2021 | Sermons
The Hours of the Day The Hours in the Day An important question that our passage today considers is how do we care for other people and ourselves? In his gospel account, Mark doesn’t identify these two issues with these words, but they are embedded within the...
by Neil Ellis | Jan 31, 2021 | Sermons
Something Life Giving Something Life Giving What do you expect to happen when you come to church? Do you expect to encounter the divine? Do you expect your life to change? Do you expect to sing hymns and read from scripture? Do you believe that something life giving...
by Neil Ellis | Jan 24, 2021 | Sermons
Thinking Through Discipleship Thinking Through Discipleship On the surface our passage from Mark once again looks like a straightforward call of discipleship. However, as we have learned we should never assume that things are straightforward. This morning we look at...
by Neil Ellis | Jan 17, 2021 | Sermons
Chance Encounters Chance Encounters Sometimes a passage of scripture is more than a passage of scripture. So often when we read scripture it is in very small amounts, almost episodic in nature. This happens at church, in devotionals and bible studies, so it...