Trust in the Holy Spirit

Trust in the Holy Spirit Pentecost is the time of year when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is also historically when we look at the forming of the church.  What does it mean for us as followers of Jesus today to trust in the Holy Spirit? Jesus speaks...
Unexpected Help

Unexpected Help

Unexpected Help From where does my help come asks the Psalmist. My help comes from the Lord, is the response.  Sometimes God provides unexpected help to us. Help from unlikely sources and unusual places. Scripture: Acts 16: 9-15 Unexpected Help...
Love as we have been Loved

Love as we have been Loved

Love as we have been Loved There are multiple examples of what God’s love looks like in Scripture. Jesus also asks us to go out into the world and to love others. He takes it a step futher by providing an example of what this might look like. In the story of the...


Shepherds Psalm 23 is one of the most enduring passages in scripture. It speaks of our trust in God and the promises we find in that trust.  In light of John 21: 15-19 we are also called to be shepherds to the people of this world. How might we live out that calling...
A Case of Identity

A Case of Identity

A Case of Identity Who are we as followers of Christ? In our passage from John this morning this is the question that Jesus puts to Peter. The response is surprisingly simple.  Feed my sheep.  Scripture: John 21: 1-19 A Case of Identity...

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