Lenten Prayer

Holy God, I come before you on bended knee and with words of praise on my lips. In creation I observe your handiwork. I gaze with wonder at all I see. Tears fill my eyes as I behold the rising of the sun. Lead me along your straight paths, guide me towards your...

First Week of Lent Prayer

This Lent we will feature a series of different video’s which talk about Lent and our approach to the Easter Season. Prayer for Sunday: Gracious God, truly your love and mercy knows no ending. This year during Lent allow my focus to be on you. Allow me to put...

A Prayer from the Mountaintop

Gracious God, Open our eyes and let us see Jesus. Allow his ministry to be our light in the world. May your light shine upon us. We journey with Jesus to the mountaintop. Bathed in light we see your son, our Saviour Keeping company with Moses and Elijah. You connect...

10,000 Reasons

We have many reasons to give thanks to God. In prayer we express our love and gratitude to God for all that we have received. One way we can express our love to God is through song. Song can be used to elevate our praise to God. King David was known for praising God...

Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Holy Trinity, Mystery manifest in love, One God, Enlarge my spirit. If clear perception and the power to act Conflict with our desire or lazy habit, Lord, enlarge my spirit. If I give the name of right to what I desire Or smother Your emerging Kingdom with conformity,...

Prayer of Discipleship

The early stories in the gospels feature accounts of Jesus recruiting the disciples. The accounts are rather remarkable in how quickly the disciples decide to follow Jesus. John’s gospel relays an account of how Philip and Nathanael came to follow Jesus. Philip...

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