Christmas Day Service

Christmas Day Service Christmas Day Service Please enjoy Christmas Carols, beautiful special music and a short Christmas meditation. May the warmth of Christmas be with each of you.  Scripture: Luke 2: 1-7 Search for: Recent Posts Christmas Day Service Christmas Eve...

The Impatience of Advent

The Impatience of Advent The Impatience of Advent On the third Sunday of Advent we revisit with John the Baptist. John’s circumstances have changed dramatically since last we heard from him. He’s grown impatient and perhaps so have we. Let’s explore...
A Voice in the Wilderness

A Voice in the Wilderness

A Voice in the Wilderness A Voice in the Wilderness The second Sunday of Advent features the voice of John the Baptist shouting, “Prepare the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight!” But what does it mean when John shows up? Why is he included at the...

Let Your Hope Shine

Let Your Hope Shine Let Your Hope Shine Unfortunately, there was an issue with the Live Stream this morning and the service was unable to be recorded. We apologize for any inconvience. Below is a transcript of the sermon.  Scripture: Matthew 24: 36-44 Sermon “It’s the...


Paradise Paradise On the final Sunday of the church year we come to Christ the King Sunday and our understanding of what God’s kingdom looks like, what are its characteristics.  Scripture: Luke 23: 33-43 I know, we are on the doorstep of Advent and Christmas is...

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