by Neil Ellis | Jan 16, 2022 | Sermons
Life Abundant Life Abundant In our gospel reading from John, Jesus turns water into wine. It’s an intereting miracle that is not found in any of the other gospel accounts. By all measures it might be a tad extravagent. Certainly we may struggle to understand the...
by Neil Ellis | Jan 9, 2022 | Sermons
It’s About Life It’s About Life Today we hear about the baptism of Jesus from Luke’s gospel. It is a coming together of several themes that have been at work over the first two chapters of Luke’s gospel. Namely the kinship that Jesus and John...
by Neil Ellis | Jan 2, 2022 | Sermons
The Word became Flesh The Word became Flesh Today John takes us back to the beginning. The beginning of all things and the beginning of Christ’s incarnation. In a way that only John can we are reminded of just how wonderful and compelling the news of Jesus...
by Neil Ellis | Dec 26, 2021 | Sermons
Sit with God Sit with God On this first Sunday after Christmas, we take a cue from Jesus. We stop, and we sit in the presence of God. Ensure that you take some time today, and over the course of this coming week, to stop and sit with God. Scripture: Luke 2: 41-52 Our...
by Neil Ellis | Dec 24, 2021 | Sermons
Christmas Eve 2021 Christmas Eve – 2021 Christ is born this night! Come let us worship! The birth of Jesus is a radical event, and in breaking of creation by God. A disruption to our daily lives by God who wishes to tell us that we are loved, cherished, and...
by Neil Ellis | Dec 19, 2021 | Sermons
The Work of the Rebel Jesus The Work of the Rebel Jesus Mary provides a wonderfully prophetic testimony to the work that God would perform through Jesus. It is work that we as the Church are to take up and continue. The Work of the Rebel Jesus. Scripture: Luke 1:...