Point Towards Jesus

Point Towards Jesus

Point Towards Jesus Point Towards Jesus We are still in the Christmas season. Our gospel passage today is a retelling of the nativity from John’s gospel. A prominent figure in this version of the nativity is John the Baptist, who urges us to point towards Jesus....
The Faithful Ones

The Faithful Ones

The Faithful Ones The Faithful Ones As we close out the calendar year our gospel passage takes us to the temple in Jerusalem, where in accordance with tradition Jesus was presented at the temple. During this encounter two faithful individuals encounter the holy...

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Welcome to the Christmas Eve service from St. Andrew’s Presybterian Church, Cobourg. We hope that you find this service uplifting as we celebrate the birth of Christ and all the anticipation that comes with it.  Scripture: Luke 2:...
I’m Fine

I’m Fine

I’m Fine I’m Fine The hymn It is Well with My Soul speaks to a deep peace and understanding of what it means to be a beloved child of God. The feeling conveyed by this hymn brings to mind the reaction of Mary, when she learned the news that she would give...
One Who Stands Among You

One Who Stands Among You

One Who Stands Among You One Who Stands Among You It is the third Sunday of Advent and we once again find ourselves with John the Baptist. It is odd how the lectionary has us encounter John two weeks in a row. What new insights might we glean from this encounter?...
Born Out of Protest

Born Out of Protest

Born Out of Protest Born Out of Protest How did the church start? Where did Jesus find the roots of his ministry? What is the tradition that we continue in? These are important questions that inform us about our faith. Often when we ask how the church started we will...

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